Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm Just Sayin......

Good morning lovely bloggers!  Feel free to link up below for this week's "I'm Just Sayin" post.  Express yourself!  :)

To the server in the Wendy's drive thru who gave me two packets of ketchup when I ordered four medium french fries and asked for "extra ketchup" - REALLY!?!?!?!  How in the world am I supposed to go back to my office and tell my bosses (who these fries are for) that I only have two packets of ketchup?  Should I throw the two packets down in the middle of the kitchen and scream, "Let's Do This" and watch as full grown men fight it out Mike Vick style for ketchup?  I know it's a tough economy - but if you're so hard up that you can't give a girl at least two packet of ketchup per fry, I'm gonna take my business elsewhere.  McDonald's is right down the street and their $1 hot fudge sundaes are way better than Wendy's $1 frosty.  I'm just sayin........

To the girl who cheats during every CrossFit workout - you're not fooling anyone!  When Coach says, "20 dead lifts" he means 20 dead lifts - not 15, not 17, not 18 - 20.  Explain to me how I do every rep faster than you - but you always beat me by a minute?  It's kind of obvious when we are standing side by side that I'm kicking your butt (and using heavier weight than you - I might add).  Yet it never fails - you finish first.  Puzzling.....  There's a reason I am doing a 75 lb clean while you do a 45 lb clean - it's because I do the workouts as written.  Maybe if you didn't cheat yourself every day you would see more improvement as well. I'm just saying.....

To my wonderful husband - I fell in the toilet bowl again last night!  We've gone over this - put the toilet seat *down*.  Do you have any idea how irritating it is to get a burst of water up your bum at 3 in the morning?  No??  Well you might want to think about it because the next time I find myself pulling my butt from the death grip of our toilet in the middle of the night you're gonna find out how unpleasant toilet water can be.  We'll see how much you like it when I use your pillow case to dry my wet booty.  I'm just sayin.....

To the wanna be liberal college freshman on your cell phone screaming about how you "have no idea why anyone would sign up to be in the army and go off to war.  Stupid cowboys with a death wish...."  - you've got to be kidding me!  Did you miss the guy across the hall in his ROTC gear waiting for class?  Do you think he appreciates being called a "stupid cowboy" by a girl wearing her pajamas to class with last night's mascara smeared under her eyes?  You haven't even considered how your conversation may seem offensive to those around you.  Why?  Because you have never had your freedom of speech questioned!  You've grown up in a country where you can say anything about religion, politics, or any other ideology that you want without caring how offensive it may sound.  Do you know why?  Because you were blessed to be born an AMERICAN!  Do you think our Founding Fathers wandered over here because they were looking for better land for crops?  NO!!  They were tired of religious persecution!  And they fought a war to gain their freedom from the British.  And service men and women have been fighting every day since then to protect those freedoms - freedoms that allow you to stand here and call them "stupid cowboys".  Get off your phone and go to class you ungrateful little brat before I exercise my right to smack you around for being an idiot.  I'm just sayin....


Anonymous said...

First...I suggest you go to McDonald's next time can you go ANYWHERE else for fries???? Mc'Ds are the BEST EVER! And I'm not a fry person at all lol.

And that last one. I don't understand how people can be so judgy when they don't realize the troops are the reason we live the way we do. If we didn't have them to fight for us, we would be no better off than some of the countries we look at with sympathy.

Kelsea said...

Whew! Feisty post! I like it! :) You go, girl.

Kelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly said...

We quit going to KFC because the last time we went there we ordered I think $50.00 of chicken strips and meals. They gave me 2 packets of BBQ sauce and when I asked for more they were going to charge us .25 per packet extra. My husband blew his gasket and we left .... with our money back.

I really wish that someone would have confronted that little (insert bad word here) and let her know that the very reason that she can talk like that is because of those "stupid cowboys". She should try living somewhere that women are treated like possessions, or second class citizens.

Bonnie said...

YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! You are awesome for making this a linky!! Going off to write my post now :D

Allison said...

I love these posts! :D

I LOVE McD's sundae...I also live way too close to one.

The last one...oh the last one, that absolutely drives me nuts. I was never one of those girls who thought it was AWESOME that people join, but I was/still am always thankful for them.

PinkLouLou said...

"before I exercise my right to smack you for being an idiot"

bahahahahaha. Your description of this girl was perfect.

I was I could join in today but I am feeling uninspired...nothing to write.


Savanah said...

I love this! I just linked up :)

ty said...

love lovelove. i might need to do this.

Unknown said...

how could you get fries from ANY WHERE other than Mc D's?! The BEST EVER! haha =)
When I hear people talk like that about the military I wish I had a magical deporting power. People can be so ignorant!

Mrs. Pick said...

Love reading these posts!

Laura said...

lol... ugh.. i totally laughed to each and every one of these.. so funny.. i feel ya and I could definitely participate today.. but i may piss off a few people if i did.. so i'll just let it be.. lol. :)

Anonymous said...

You are so adorable. I love this post.


Rebekah said...

Haha!! The toilet one had me rolling. I have the same issue, except I've learned no bathroom is safe. The thought of putting the seat down hasn't even come into my husband's brain. :) Goodness, if my husband heard that person, I guarantee he would have gone off on them in the politest way possible. He has no issue doing it because he's done it before in public when someone IN uniform was acting ridiculous and he pulled rank.

Rissy said...

I am all for having opinions, but that girl just made me pretty darn angry. What is wrong with people?

O me and the ketchup issue go way back... I eat about a packet of ketchup per fry. Kind of an issue.

And how does cheater girl not realize she is only cheating herself?!

Ok so favorite post of the week!
Expect one from this chica next week!

Miss Southern Vol said...

LOVE THIS!!! Im super excited about playing along weekly !

Whim Wham Life said...

Love this:-) You are right on!

(Oh toilet seat drama. When will they learn?)

Happy Thursday to you, lovely lady! xoxo

Jessica said...

Hahaha "when I use your pillow case to dry my wet booty." DO IT. Next time, he'll learn. ;)

d.a.r. said...

How can you get fries anywhere but Mickey Ds?? They must sprinkle cocaine on them, so addictive.

And wow. I would have freakin' strangled that girl. You don't have to agree with our president or the reasons we are there or even the war. But shut the hell up and support the people who sacrifice their lives to defend our country.

Bryan & Chelsey said...

" because the next time I find myself pulling my butt from the death grip of our toilet in the middle of the night you're gonna find out how unpleasant toilet water can be. We'll see how much you like it when I use your pillow case to dry my wet booty."

OH.MY.GOD. Death by laughter completely! You are awesome!

Mrs. Lukie said...

I love the cheaters in our gym. The best is that they think no one notices, when in actuality, *everyone* notices and talks about it!

And while I love me a McD's caramel sundae, I have to say that I think the Wendy's frosty is way better ;)

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