5 years ago
Monday, February 6, 2012
Miscellany Monday
Good morning all. I'm linking up with Carissa for Miscellany Monday.
{one} Sorry for being MIA last week. It was monthly close again - which equalled a 60+ hour work week and very little time for anything other than work or sleep. Here's hoping this week is a little less hectic!
{two} After an incredibly long week, this weekend was just what the doctor ordered. A whole bunch of nothing! I kept my little brother (age 8) for my parents this weekend. We played Super Mario Brothers on the Wii and went to see the new movie Big Miracle. Sometimes it's fun being a kid again. =)
{three} I used the downtime this weekend to file our taxes. I generally hate this task because 1) I crunch numbers all day at my job - so filing my taxes on the weekend really feels like work & 2) We usually owe just a little bit or get just a tiny return back. I'm always waiting on pins & needles for the final number to come in before I can breath. But this year, we are getting a pretty decent return back. I was shocked at the final number. And a happy dance may have ensued in my kitchen on Saturday morning as a result of the unexpected surprised!
{four} Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I may have dropped some not.so.subtle hints to the hubby yesterday about my desire for a Pandora charm bracelet. I have wanted one for quite some time now. I think I would like the cross charm as my starter charm. Symbolic of putting Christ first in all aspects of my life. Charm can be found here Hint Hint Hubby!
{five} I found these pretty cool daily calendar templates on Pinterest this weekend. I am going to spend some time printing them and creating a personal planner binder this week. If it turns out the way I envision, I promise to do a post.
{six} Thank-you to all who voted for my brother's Navy photo on facebook. He won the contest!
{seven} Happy Monday! Here's hoping you all have a blessed, productive week!

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Yay for your brother winning! I did a happy dance after finishing my taxes too... high five!
Glad your brother won!
We still need to do our taxes and I will majorly hold my breath ha! I hate them!
So sweet you kept your little brother. :) I cringe every time Dylan does our taxes but it turned out very good this year! So happy your brother won!
I hate doing my taxes for some reason I feel like Im going to get into trouble with the IRS for something,who knows & I love Mario Bros on the Wii,it took us a year to pass a world..needless to say were were pretty proud of ourselves over a game.hehehe
what?? I just knew there would be more about your little brother! Thank you for keeping him!
ugh taxes. i just hope i remember to file them from here in norway (for the US). everything tells me im going to forget...even if i write it down!
hope you're doing well :)
Jealous of you about your taxes... I made my husband do ours, but was disappointed in the amount back, ugh...I thought kids were supposed to be awesome for that! Sounds like a fun weekend with your brother :)
I had to drop some V-Day gift hints to my hubby too! ;)
Mmm hi. Just a reminder that your blog is due for an update. I miss my weekly dose of Amber. Kthxbye. :-)
We're ready for an update! Hope all is well.
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