Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Miracle That Is The Crock Pot

I wish that I could shake the hand of whomever it was that invented the Crock Pot. This magical appliance is a must have in any proper kitchen – especially those of new wives! The Crock Pot just makes cooking too easy. Throw in your ingredients – stir them up – turn on the Crock Pot – walk away. Anywhere from 4-8 hours later you will be enjoying an amazingly tender, scrumptious meal! And your entire house smells amazing from the food – so people who come over will think you’ve been slaving away all day. While cleaning out my guest bedroom closet this weekend I found a cookbook titles “Famous Brand Name Recipes for the Crock Pot”. (Umm..thank-you Mom?? No idea where I got this from!) Last night I made super yummy cheddar chicken over rice. This evening I am trying Aztec Chicken over noodles. I wonder if it would be possible to cook every single meal Monday – Thursday in the Crock Pot??? That would just make like too easy! I definitely think it’s time for an upgrade. I need one of those big Crock Pots with the timer – so that you can set it to start/stop cooking whenever you like. Maybe a Christmas present?

On a side note - I do find it quite sad that every time I think about Christmas or birthday presents I tend to think of some practical appliance or serving dish that I need. Is this permanent or will I eventually begin to want the frivolous, sparkly gifts like I did a few years ago? I’m too young to give up jewelry and fancy perfumes just yet, right??

1 comment:

Erika said...

Never forget jewelery! The crock pot is the best invention ever! It is possible to use it every single day of the week. Chris and I have 2 pots with timers...they are awesome!

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