Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Shutterfly To The Rescue

Remember how I mentioned my Christmas card dilemma and the fact that I hate sending Christmas cards?  Well, I still haven't sent them!  I haven't had a chance to take our picture in front of the Christmas tree yet!  Preparing a Thanksgiving meal for two families last week and trying to get caught up at work this week has just gotten me behind on my holiday schedule.

Thankfully, I have a super sweet girlfriend coming over tomorrow night to take our family picture.  Even better, Shutterfly makes creating personalized Holiday Cards a complete breeze!  I used Shutterfly to create our Engagement Announcements and my mother used Shutterfly to create my sister's Graduation Announcements.  It's such a user-friendly site and the selection is unbelievable.

They have so many holiday cards to choose from.  I'm seriously having a hard time deciding which card to choose. 

I think I've narrowed it down to the following.  Which do you prefer?

I'm really prefer a traditional, elegant card.  I can't wait for Sarah to come and take our pictures and see what the finished project looks like.  Here's hoping that I can have the cards in the mail by December 10th - that's the goal anyway!  I told you I was horrible at sending Christmas cards!  Oh well - it's the thought that counts, right?!?!


Mateya said...

I personally like the Peace, Love, Joy one...but they are all good choices! Can't wait to see your pictures!

Aly @ Analyze This said...

I love the third choice!!! :)

I can't wait to see how they will turn out!

Unknown said...

I love the 2nd or 4th options =) Looking forward to seeing them! =)

Petchie said...

I really like the second out! But they are all really cute!!


Anne said...

I really like the black and white one. It looks like everyone has different opinions so they are all good options!

Michelle (michabella) said...

The first and the last one are my fav! <333

Laura said...

i like the Peace Joy and Love one! It's simple and elegant. Happy Holidays!

Kristin said...

How funny! The first one (black and white) is what we chose for our 50 free! Except it was the 5x7 card w/ 3 photos in it. But exact same style :-) Shutterfly has so many beautiful styles...guess great minds thing alike, huh?! Can't wait to see which you choose and how they turn out. Good luck w/ your family pics tonight!

Alisha said...

Love #2 - Peace, Love, Joy!!! I just ordered mine too. It was so much easier choosing to have them send them out for you. Postage, labels, and labor is only $.99 per card. :) Can't wait to see which one you choose!

Newlyweds on a Budget said...

I wanted to take family photos for our cards (and by family, I mean us and our dog) but I got too impatient trying to find a time we can do it, so I just used photos from the year. Oh well!

Rebekah said...

I love all of those choices! It took me 2 1/2 weeks to choose a card! Ha, I'm ridiculous. I can't wait to see how they turn out!

allie-mac-fallie said...

you do know about the deal where when you blog about them they give you 50 free cards right? :) just double checking... I like the b&w :)

Ariane said...

I'm LOVING the third one! So classic & perfect.

Kelsea said...

I like the Peace, Love, and Joy one! :)

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