Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Read Directions CAREFULLY

As many of you know, I recently began a graduate program to get my Master's of Accounting in the hopes that this program will help prepare me to sit for (and pass) the CPA Exam. )Oh yeah - and I guess it's a plus to have your Master's!)

The CPA Exam is a four part standardized test that tests basic information that an accountant with up to two years experience should understand.  And it's *hard* - *super hard*.

I am currently taking an Advanced Auditing course which is designed specifically to address the auditing portion of the CPA Exam.  The auditing portion of CPA Exam is comprised of 90 multiple choice questions and 7 task based simulations (problem solving).  All homework assignments in this Advanced Auditing class are practice simulation questions from the CPA Exam Prep website.

At the end of Monday's class, my professor handed out a memo detailing our homework assignment which was to be completed on the CPA Exam Prep website.

So last night I read through the memo, logged onto the website and began the specified simulation.  It was a little overwhelming because there is a timer that ticks off at the top of the simulation.  And the time it takes you to complete the homework assignment will be reported to your professor.

There were 7 tabs across the top of the simulation and as you completed each tab you could move to the next until you completed all 7.  So that's exactly what I did.  And it took my 1 hour and 45 minutes!

After completing the simulation, I checked the memo one last time to make sure that I had completed all necessary steps for the assignment and that's when I saw it....
Note: Only complete portion "Tab 1 - Independence".  Select "Done" after completing "Tab 1" and print your results.  Completion of other tabs is not necessary.
Umm...."Tab 1" contained 6 True/False questions that took me only 10 minutes to answer.  TEN MINUTES!  So I spent 1 hour and 35 minutes doing unnecessary homework.  And I only have myself to blame because I didn't read the stupid directions completely!

Here I am complaining about not knowing when I'm going to have enough time to get all my required reading/home assignments done and I spent an extra hour and 35 minutes doing unnecessary homework last night.  OYE!  Oh well - I guess I could just look at it as logging hours of prep for the exam.  Or a rather hard lesson learned - always read the directions carefully!


Rebekah said...

Oh goodness! Lesson learned, I suppose. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh..lesson learned.

The CPA is a very hard test. My ex-bf and my friend both took it and it took them so long to pass one part. It stinks because you only have a year and half to pass all 4 before you have to start all over again.

GOOD LUCK! Keep up with the class!

Unknown said...

haha awwww!!!

At least you were able to complete all 7 tabs =)

Christina said...

Boo :( Well, you got more practice. Sometimes the work seems overwhelming so you dive right in and plug away at it. Hopefully the extra practice will help you later :)

Amanda Leigh said...

Hey, at least you got the practice... and maybe completing the other tabs will be a future assignment?
I was an accounting major, until I realized I suck, and I had to change.

Miss Southern Vol said...

Awww you poor thing! As if you didnt need that time for something else! I am soo bad at reading directions too!!

Rebecca said...

Oh wow, that sucks, but it is something that has happened to me before - during homework and an exam...It actually happened to me today, covering 21 problems instead of 6 as required - whoops! I hope you learned the lesson and won't ever do more than you have to :)

Laura said...

oh that is the worst!

look at it as extra practice for the real thing!

Good Luck! My friend has been taking the CPA exams for about 2 years, she keeps missing "passing" one by like 3 points and has to start fresh! poor thing just studies all the time!

Brittany said...

Oh my goodness. I would totally do something like this! haha.

At least you got somep practice in :)

Sara McCarty said...

That sounds just like something I would do! Oh well, consider it practice for the real exam. I've heard the CPA is very difficult, but not impossible. Studying for the bar exam was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it's worth it in the end. Best of luck!

Mateya said...

Uh oh! I would totally do something like that too. You were just doing yourself a favor and now you are that much more prepared :)

Jessica said...

Oof! That stinks. :/

Laura said...

haha ooops :) .. well maybe he will ask for the others later.. and you'll have them all done!!!

Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle said...

LOL! Oh no!!!!! That just plain sucks.

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

Oh yuck! Doing extra work is no fun!

Ashley said...

Ha! Girl- I've been there. I'm finishing up my MBA right now, and sometimes there just isn't enough time. And the CPA? Is no joke. Best of luck to you!

Megan said...

UGH! That is THE worst!! My parents are both CPA's! Good luck to you!

Unknown said...

The hubs just finished his masters in accounting to accompany his MBA. All the CPA materials are sitting in our office in a box. I've really enjoyed spending time with him at night, and don't want him to crack open the study materials just yet. Best of luck, if you needs any tips-he is an accounting and auditing guru. ;)

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