5 years ago
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I'm Just Sayin
Good morning fellow bloggers! I'm so happy that my weekly I'm Just Sayin' posts have been a hit. Feel free to link up and play along if you just need to get some things off your chest!
To the local country and pop radio stations who insist on playing Taylor Swift's "Back To December" five times an hour - for the love of all things holy STOP IT!!!! I puffy heart Swifty - I swear I do. But everytime I turn on the radio, that song is playing. It's a great song - the first 100 times - but I think we've more than reached the "overplayed" stage. "Speak Now" has many other awesome songs - it's time to move onto the next single. I swear if I hear that song one more time I'm going to *lose*my*mind! It's February and I'm looking forward to spring. December was two months ago! I'm Just Sayin'....
To my friends on Facebook who insist on posting their current political or religious views as a status update every single day - stop filling up my news feed with your angry outbursts! I get that you care about Obama's stance on same sex marriages or whether or not the unions in Wisconsin and Ohio are supported - but your opinion is not the gospel so please don't post it on Facebook as if everyone cares about what you think. If you want to share your opinions on current events, please feel free to start a blog. Allow people the ability to read your thoughts if they want to - but don't spring that crap on me without fair warning! And if you insist on posting your political/religious opinions on Facebook - at least have your facts straight. You look like a real idiot when your status is filled with opinions based on rumors and slander and not an ounce of truth. I'm just sayin......
Speaking of Facebook - To all my graduated from college, adult friends who insist on posting in all lowercase letters with no punctuation - you aren't in college anymore! Welcome to the real world folks! Seriously - would you send an email to your boss with no capitalization and improper punctuation? Don't even get me started on the status updates that are filled with text jargon. It's not "u" - it's "you"! I can't begin to express how annoying it is to see status updates from my friends who are professors, doctors & lawyers without a single capital letter or period. Let's have a little respect for the English language here people. I'm just sayin'...
To the dog owner on the green way who refuses to pick up your dog's poop - you are a disgrace to dog owners everywhere. You're on a green way filled with children, parents, and other dogs - do you really think it's fair that we have to dodge that stinky pile just because you're too lazy to carry a baggy with you? I know that accidents happen sometimes and you may have just found yourself unprepared. But you're a dog owner - you should know better than to come to a public green way without a baggy. Dogs love to poop on the green way - it's a fact - look it up. You might want to start cleaning up after your dog - because they next time I watch you let your dog poop on the trail and walk away as if nothing happened, I might just use my baggy to clean up your mess and leave it sitting on the hood of your car - after all, it is your mess. I'm just sayin......
To the girl scouts and their mothers posted at the front of every grocery store in America - please stop making feel so guilty for not buying your cookies. I puffy heart the Girl Scouts just like I puffy heart Taylor Swift, but I just can't buy your super yummy cookies. Trust me, if I could, I would buy four boxes and eat every single cookie right in front of you in under five minutes. But I'm really trying to watch what I eat these days and buying those cookies would be like an alcoholic buying a handle of vodka - T*R*O*U*B*L*E! So please, don't judge me and don't give me that disappointed stare. I promise you will understand one day when you're all grown up. Summer is around the corner, and although I desire to support your troop, my desire to look fabulous in a bathing suit is greater. I'm just sayin.....
*I also feel the need to say that by no means do I intend to offend any of my readers. Please take these comments in jest, as they are intended. Just little pet peeves of mine that I choose to poke fun at each week. If you are guilty of the actions I mention, I don't think you are a horrible person and I do not mean to offend. I am *positive* that I am guilty of annoying people on a daily basis and I am sure there are plenty of people who have lots to "Just Say" about me. Again - these posts are truly meant as light hearted rants about my every day annoyances.
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Oh, Amber, you totally always say what I think! You're so awesome. I'll be getting back to blogging very soon so hopefully I'll have a few I'm Just Sayins myself!
lol. In regards to posting text on FB, I think most people do it because they are doing it from their phones. It is much easier to type u instead of you. I have been trying to cut this habit though.
hahaha I love all of this..you crack me up! :)
hahahaha... i feel the same way about the girl scouters..they'll understand one of these days ;)
Those caramel delights are really killing me. Every time I open the pantry, they stare at me.
Ha! You're too funny, love the last one. I HATE when people don't spell out the actual word and don't use proper puncuation and grammar. It's my biggest pet peeve... It makes the person seem illiterate.
Haha, I'm the person that if Glenda has an accident on our walk and I don't have a baggy, I go back after our walk and pick it up! I hate when people let their dogs do that in my yard, and I don't want to be that person.
Since I can't say it - will you add to next week about the people who leave their children in the church when there is a nursery. It's unreal that they let their children DUMP TOYS out of a basket, and then continue to "SHUSH" the child, which winds up being louder than the child in the service. They really can't be getting anything from the sermon because I CANT HEAR THE PREACHER!!! I'm just sayin' but I really want to SAY IT OUTLOAD AND POST IT IN THE BULLETIN!!! And I use simple symbols in my text messages because I am usually driving and need to not take too long to be distracted! :-0
I LOVE YOU!!!! or is that I heart you..or puffy heart you... SMILE - you will love my post on Facebook today. NOT POLITICAL!!
I completely agree about the outbursts...that is so my stepmom!
Haha..I puffy heart you and the "I'm Just Sayin" posts!
On Facebook you have the ability to block someone from your news feed, meaning their posts will not show up on your news feed. It's a pretty nifty trick and I have definitely used it more than once. It's pretty much a nice way of blocking someone without actually deleting them as a friend.
Unfortunately, Facebook does provide an outlet for a lot of people to dump their feelings and opinions, so this option helps weed out the posts you aren't interested in seeing. When it comes to punctuation, Facebook is a habit that extends from college for most people, as well as a completely informal way of communicating. Most people wouldn't use completely correct punctuation when composing a text, so why should they on Facebook?
I give you props for saying no to the Girl Scounts. I couldn't do it. I bought 3 boxes and when I got home I realized I had a box left from last year too. Uh-oh!
I love your Just Sayin posts-so funny!!!!!
Back To December is probably my least favorite Taylor Swift song...I don't know why but i cannot stand it AND it's on ALL the time! I agree, it's time for the next single!
I dont think you really needed the disclaimer... common people it's a blog... just saying :)
your disclaimer at the end cracked me up, because I have pretty much the exact same thing under the title of my blog... I'm offensive on a regular basis lol
I puffy heart TSwift too and now I puffy heart saying puffy hearty.
I have a tendency to avert my eyes from any and all people selling things... I feel bad really easily.
I am currently de-friending people on Facebook I now realize I have never met (I used to be like eh whatever I'll accept randoms) However another problem has arisen.... people posting song lyrics that are rather ummm provocative.. one the other day made me gag a little. NO JOKE! And not ok!
Haha, I lower letter almost everything, even my handwriting. Papers and formal emails, though - definitely got the good punctuation!
I am sooo sick of hearing Taylor Swifts songs over and over. I like her and like her songs but they are quickly played out and make me despise her!
Love your just sayin' post!
Totally agree about Taylor Swift. I appreciate her talent/music, but after the 500th time of listening to her croon over her long-lost love of the month, I have to run away!
P.S. Love the puffy hearts:-) xoxo
Amber, you ROCK. This just made my day!!! HILARIOUS!!! I may have to link up with you on this one one of these days! Do you do it on a certain day? Totally totally totally agree on ALL points!!! :)
HoW AbOuT WhEn PeOpLe PoSt LiKe ThIs?!
That drives me batty!! OMG, not to mention, it's really hard to do. Haha
This is pretty freaking hilarious, amen to it all! (esp the baaaad dog owner!)
Haha I love this segment!!!! (and all the sweet comments you left on my blog...totally made my Friday!).
1) Taylor Swift is totally overplayed and I can't bear it. And I might be the only one thinking this, but all of her songs sound the same to me... But she is a sweetie from what I can see.
2) I never capitalize letters in sentences LOL! I am completely guilty of this (but I'm making an effort to right now!). And I get really irritated on facebook knowing who is going to the bathroom, or who is tired, or who has the "best" kids in the world.
3) I hope you have the most fabulous of weekends!!!
<3 Megan
Omg I know what you're sayin' about facebook!! I hate when my news feed is filled up with where people are checking in. Especially at the gym. Stop trying to make me feel bad! I don't care where you are. I should come rob your house.
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