Hello all. Happy Guest Post Friday to you! I have decided to continue my idea of having a fellow blogger post for me on Friday's and this week I have asked Alissa to do the honors. She is a young, newlywed as well and I truly enjoy reading her blog each day. Feel free to check her out! So without further ado...here is what she has to say..

Hi Amber's Followers! I'm sure you all are just as lovely as my girls are. First off I really want to say a big thank you to Amber for allowing me to post on her blog. I am truly honored if I could give you a big hug I would.
So when Amber asked me to do a guest post my wheels started turning about what I was going to write about. I first thought it would write about something newlywedded related, but then I didn't want to single anyone out because although many of you are married some of you are not, and I want us all to be included on this one. I thought some more and thought bam dating! It's something we've all had to/ is having to deal with...What a motivating post! Love really is out there for everyone and it comes at different times in all of our lives. I look back on all the guys I dated in high school and thank God that each time I thought I had found "the one" He knew better. So like Alissa said - if you're still looking don't be discouraged - your prince may be just around the corner!
I had a crush on a boy named Anthony once. I think I was about 12, I met him being an ambassador for students visiting from other countries. It was a program the local college put on. We got to spend the whole summer together going to places like Disneyland, San Diego and more. It wasn't until the week before the program ended that he told me he like me. I kinda liked him too. I think we might have held hands once. We wrote each other for about 2 weeks and talked on the phone together. Then he sent me a friendship bracelet and told me to wear it. I was so mad at him, I thought he was my bf, friendship? He had nerve I thought? I have friends. That was pretty much the end of Anthony.
By the time I got to high school I was super shy so although I had crushes I never dated a single guy in high school. I was so darn nervous with them, and still figuring myself out it's probably a good idea I didn't date. So I watched them from afar studying their behaviors, interactions, and just trying to figure out the male species in general. Sadly I went to prom alone boo I know right? I still had a good time, but by this point I was wondering what the heck is wrong with me? Am I ugly, what's going on here? I was starting to think that's it I suck. High School was rough, to distract me from boys I studied and got good grades and graduated.
After high school I went on to community college where I met lots of boys (yes even though I was in college they were still boys). Suddenly boys started talking to me, asking me out, and looking at me differently. I think this is when I fully blossomed. I was skinny in high school, but something happened in that summer after high school. I got boobs, a booty and maybe grew a couple inches to the whopping 5'3" that I am today. I didn't know how to react to all this attention. I started going on dates, but saw that most of these guys were losers that just wanted one thing, and we all know what that one thing is. Me being the nice Christian girl I am was not going to give that up. So I dated and eventually got my first kiss around 20 or so. These boys were plenty excited to teach me a lesson or two, and I was nervous as all can be. I had no clue. None of these guys lasted, or needed to last. At the time there was one guy I fell hard for, but looking at it now I seriously wonder what was I thinking.
Eventually I went on to transfer to the 4 year college I had always wanted to go to. Again, when I got to college I met lots of boys. Enter frat boys, wowzer frat boys. You could turn a good girl bad. I had fun, got into some trouble, nothing too bad, and had lots of experiences. I really lived the college life. I dated, went to frat parties, but again even by Senior year of college I hadn't had a single boyfriend to my name. At 22 I went from thinking I would never go on a a date to thinking I would never find a decent guy, much less a husband.
Finally at 23, yes 23 thanks to good old myspace I started talking to this guy from of all places my high school. He ended up being my first real bf. We dated a year and a half and then bam he told me he didn't want to be with me anymore. I was devastated. At the time I truly thought I was going to marry this man. My heart was left in a million pieces. I was a mess.
Looking back, now though all this dating, and learning about myself changed me. It made me a better person. I would not be the person I am today were it not for these guys. Ultimately I met and married my husband who is a million times a better man than any of these men will ever be. Finally I found my prince charming and you know what he did exist. All those nights of crying myself sick so not worth it.
So for any of you out there who are still dating don't worry. I strongly believe there's someone out there. I'm a perfect example that dating is not always easy. I used to think I would never find someone, but I did. I have been blessed in so many ways and am so grateful for my husband. And for those of you who have met your man of your dreams give him a big kiss and tell him thank you for never having to date again.
Hope you have a great Friday!
What a great post! Love is an amazing thing and True love is worth having to wait a few years to find :)
This was great! I enjoy your guests too! WE all have a story to share, and sometimes we don't know know why we go through it, but somebody else will come along that we can help and they can see it can turn out great!
Where to we find Alissa?? I can't find her link...
Great post! I love the guest post idea--so cute!
What a great post!
I believe (whole-heartedly)...
"Everything happens for a reason"
Thank you sweetie for stopping by!
I too Love your Blog, very adorable! Congrats on your wonderful Marriage :)
Good post, Alissa, and so true. I dated a lot of frogs before I found my prince, and I'm thankful to God for each of those frogs -- because they made me so much more thankful and ready when my husband finally came along.
What a great post!!!!:)
This was a wonderful post. I am trying to get my bff to guest blog on mine as well. I am a new follower and love your wedding pictures. I can see that we have some mutual blogging friends though!
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