5 years ago
Monday, June 28, 2010
Miscellany Monday
{one} I've been such a horrible blogger lately that I feel two posts in one day is completely appropriate today - a little randomness is always a good thing.
{two} I am in better spirits lately. God is has granted me a peace over the past few weeks that I cannot describe. I'm learning to flourish even when things are uncertain. I've given my doubt to my Savior - and I'm a happier me because of it.
{three} I love tan lines. Some people think they look trashy - but I love them. I think they are sexy in a weird way.
{four} After my unbelievably long/fun filled weekend - a Starbucks venti non-fat, iced white chocolate peppermint mocho with no whip would hit the spot right now. I'm dragging today!
{five} Baby fever has yet to go away. It's been here for three months now. Does that mean it's here to stay?
{six} I can't wait for the premier of Eclipse tomorrow night. My mom is coming up from SC and we are going to the 12:01 premier. I'm sure I will hate myself at work on Wednesday - but it will be totally worth it!
{seven} I am not liking Lost Season 4. It's too crazy - too difficult to understand. Everyone keeps telling me that season 5 is so good and to just keep watching - but I'm not so sure. It's pretty bizarre.
{eight} My eight-year-old sister-in-law informed us that "Eight is the new twenty-two" this weekend. Umm...Lord help me when I have children - because I'm pretty sure kids are growing up WAY too fast these days!
{nine} I wish it were cool for adults to wear silly bands. I think they are kind of cool - especially the hot pink ones. I would color coordinate them with my outfits each day.

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8 is the new 22?!?!? Oh Lord! And I think we should start an adult silly bandz trend. My daughter has some and I am constantly walking out of the house with some on!
hi fellow blogger, i am totally with you on {three} & {five} ;)
thanks for the share.
Hahahaha!!! 8 is the new 22?!? What!!
Her parents have a loooong road ahead with her!
PS- I wore silly bands this weekend...by fault, but I think they may have to make an appearance in my wardrobe more often! :)
Glad you're back, girl! I missed you!
Uggh baby fever is killin' me! *Shh, don't tell my hubs* And what in the world is a silly band?! I obviously don't spend enough time with 22...err...8 year olds.
Hi there! I had baby fever right when we got married but it has since subsided. Good luck with it! Hope you have a great day! ~Andrea
{two} makes me happy :)
I concur with {three}
{five} Cure for baby fever? Have a baby!
{nine} Who cares if it's cool? Wear 'em anyway!
glad everything is going well girly!
8 is the new 22 yikes! Glad things are going well! I enjoyed your list!
So I agree with you on Lost! My hubby and I made it through Season 3 and then we were like, this is getting way to sci-fi-ish for us.
Glad I found you at Carissa's-I'm a new follower:-)
I can't wait for Eclipse, either!! :)
What a cute blog! love the name =)
I see people our age wearing silly bands all over the place here... my little boys love them!
oh, and white chocolate peppermint... my favorite too!
New follower!!! Such a cute blog!!
I, too, LOVE tanlines!!! I think they look like you 'earned' them having fun and didn't cheat in the fake-n-bake. =]
And "8 is the new 22" is HILARIOUS and SCARY all at the same time!
I'm a 2nd grade teacher, and my kids were OBSESSED with those silly bands... needless to say when they would give me one, I wore it every day. :) I claimed it was b/c they gave them to me, but really I thought they were neat too ;) The kids would ask, "which ones do you have now?! Who is it from?!" so cute! Oh and I have baby fever, too.. well that or an obsession with baby bedding, furniture, and picking names. =]
Come visit me!
I think that it is so coll that your mom is coming up to see Eclipse with you! My mom barely knows what Twilight is!
Ugh, I wanna go see Eclipse but I don't think I'm gonna go opening night...or weekend...
KEEP WATCHING LOST!! You really won't regret it. Just push through those crazy episodes. It doesn't really get a lot better, but it will be worth it. Promise!
And if 8 is the new 22, I think we're all in trouble!! Yikes...
Ha! Love the 8 year old quote. That's priceless! Hope you have loads of fun at the midnight showing! What fun - and so sweet that you get to share it w/ your mom :-) I'm w/ ya on Lost. I don't like it AT ALL. TV is not supposed to mess with your head and make you completely dazed and confused when you turn it off. I am a sworn Lost-a-phobic after watching the finale. - Hope you have a wonderful day my friend...
I'm in a Lost rut as well. At this point I just want to find out what happens at the series finale!
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